Plenary Session
The future of electric vehicle is today | |
Nicolas SCHOTTEY |
Trends in gasoline powertrain technology for high performance and low emission | |
Hubert FRIEDL |
Clean air and high efficiency – the diesel engine of the upcoming decade | |
Cristoph MENNE |
The continuous rise of real driving emissions | |
Marcus BOEK |
Accident Research and Analysis
Passenger head in impact with frontal airbag in OOP postures | |
Adrian Ovidiu Soica, George Radu Toganel |
Upon the reconstruction of accidents triggered by tire explosion. Analytical model and case study | |
Lidia Gaiginschi, Iulian Agape, Sorinel Talif |
Driver drowsiness detection using ANN image processing | |
Tiberiu Vesselenyi, Sorin Moca, Alexandru Rus, Tudor Adrian Mitran, Bogdan Tataru |
Experimental research on pedestrian lowerleg impact | |
Bogdan Alexandru Constantin, Daniel Iozsa, Cornelia Stan |
Solutions for acceleration measurement in vehicle crash tests | |
Dragos Sorin Dima, Dinu Covaciu |
Analysis of car's frontal collision against pole | |
Nicolae Ispas, Mircea Nastasoiu |
Simulation of the right-angle car collision based on identified parameters | |
Robert Kostek, Piotr Aleksandrowicz |
Analyses and statistics on the frequency and the incidence of traffic accidents within Dolj County | |
Oana Victoria Otat, Gabriel Catalin Marinescu, Victor Otat |
Simulation of car collision with an impact block | |
Piotr Aleksandrowicz, Robert Kostek |
Vehicle-pedestrian collisions – Aspects regarding pedestrian kinematics, dynamics and biomechanics | |
Liviu Petrescu, Alexandru Petrescu |
Mathematical model for studying cyclist kinematics in vehicle-bicycle frontal collisions | |
Ovidiu Andrei Condrea, Anghel Chiru, Rares Lucian Chiriac, Sorin Vlase |
Study regarding seat’s rigidity during rear end collisions using a MADYMO occupant model | |
Alexandru Ionut Radu, Corneliu Cofaru, Bogdan Tolea, Mihaela Popescu |
Active and Passive Safety
Influence of housing wall compliance on shock absorbers in the context of vehicle dynamics | |
Giorgio Pulvirenti, Cassio Faria |
Evaluation of the tire pressure influence on the lateral forces that occur between tire and road | |
Nicolae Cordos, Adrian Todorut, Istvan Barabas |
Indirect Tire Monitoring System - Machine Learning Approach | |
Oskar Alexander Svensson, Simon Gunnar Alexander Thelin, S Byttner, Y Fan |
Investigation of the influence of vertical force on the contact between truck tyre and road using finite element analyses | |
Raluca Moisescu, Gabriel Anghelache |
The measurement of dynamic radii for passenger car tyre | |
Gabriel Anghelache, Raluca Moisescu |
Continuous monitoring the vehicle dynamics and driver behavior, using navigation systems | |
George Ene |
Most common road safety engineering deficiencies in South Eastern Europe as a part of safe system approach | |
D Jovanov, H J Vollpracht, Horia Beles, Virgil Popa, Bogdan Tolea |
Dynamic models to analyse the influence of the seat belt in a frontal collision | |
Oana Victoria Otat, Nicolae Dumitru, Ilie Dumitru |
Brake disc modal behavior | |
Anca Alexandra Iordache, Gabriel Anghelache, Raluca Moisescu |
A late and failure of airbag deployment case study for drivers of passenger cars in rear-end collisions | |
George Radu Toganel, Adrian Ovidiu Soica |
A comparison of optimal semi-active suspension systems regarding vehicle ride comfort | |
Dimitrios Koulocheris, Georgios Papaioannou, Emmanouil Chrysos |
Dimitrios Koulocheris, Georgios Papaioannou, Dimitrios Christodoulou |
Advanced Engineering Methods (CAx)
Elements of cam's synthesis for a distribution mechanism for the Miller-Atkinson cycle | |
Ionut Dragomir, Bogdan Manescu, Nicolae Doru Stanescu, Nicolae Pandrea, Adrian Clenci, Dinel Popa |
Model for the study of the active suspensions | |
Sorin Marcu, Dinel Popa, Nicolae Doru Stanescu, Nicolae Pandrea |
Aspects in the synthesis of a variable compression ratio mechanism | |
Bogdan Manescu, Ionut Dragomir, Nicolae Doru Stanescu, Nicolae Pandrea, Adrian Clenci, Dinel Popa |
Design-parameters setup for Power-Split Dual-Regime IVT | |
Ion Preda, Gheorghe Ciolan, Dinu Covaciu |
Vibration study of a vehicle suspension assembly with the finite element method | |
Gabriel Catalin Marinescu, Stefan Cristian Castravete, Nicolae Dumitru |
Advanced engineering methods in design and education | |
Krasimir Kamenov, Antoaneta Dobreva, Vyarka Ronkova |
Dynamic behavior of the mechanical systems from the structure of a hybrid automobile | |
Dinel Popa, Irina Tudor, Nicolae Doru Stanescu |
A comparative study of planetary mechanisms usable for power sources coupling | |
Irina Tudor, Dinel Popa, Nicolae Doru Stanescu |
Statistical models of petrol engines vehicles dynamics | |
Constantin Ovidiu Ilie, Marin Marinescu, Octavian Alexa, Radu Vilau, Danut Grosu |
Dynamics of the walking machines | |
Dinel Popa, Nicolae Doru Stanescu, Claudia Mari Popa |
Fatigue Analysis of Rotating Parts. A Case Study for a Belt Driven Pulley | |
Ionela Alina Sandu, Stefan Tabacu, Catalin Ducu |
Thermal and fluid simulation of the environment under the dashboard, compared with measurement data | |
Cristian Sorin Popescu, G M Sirbu, I C Nita |
Nonlinear differential system applied of a mechanical plan model of the automotive used for the nonlinear stability analysis | |
Loreta Simniceanu, Mihaela Bogdan, Victor Otat, Mario Trotea |
The evaluation of the overall thermal comfort inside a vehicle | |
Catalin Neacsu, Ion Tabacu, Mariana Ivanescu, Ionel Vieru |
Research using advanced engineering methods concerning automotive waste disposal in road traffic and transport specialized unit from Cluj-Napoca | |
Adela Ioana Borzan, Doru Laurean Baldean |
Contributions in developing advanced engineering methods for researching the N.V.H. aspects in Porsche Cayman operation conditions at Technical University from Cluj-Napoca | |
Doru Laurean Baldean, Bogdan Ovidiu Varga, Dan Moldovanu, Levente Botond Kocsis, Adela Ioana Borzan |
Contribution of developing advanced engineering methods in interdisciplinary studying the piston rings from 1.6 spark ignited Ford engine | |
Ioan Aurel Chereches, Adela Ioana Borzan, Doru Laurean Baldean |
Finite еlements contact modelling of planetary gear trains | |
Svetlin Stoyanov, Vasko Dobrev, Antoaneta Dobreva |
Application of advanced engineering methods in studying a road traffic event between a 12-wheeler truck and a small tourism in a local junction from Cluj-Napoca | |
Adela Ioana Borzan, Doru Laurean Baldean |
The study of spectral analysis to random vibrations for nonlinear oscillators | |
Petre Stan, Marinica Stan |
Numerical solution of the process of hydroplaning at wheels with envelope | |
Marinica Stan, Petre Stan |
Theoretical and experimental considerations regarding to functioning of a combat vehicle shutter’s hydraulic actuation system | |
Ion Lespezeanu, Laszlo Barothi, Radu Vilau |
Robust Design Optimization and Optimal Uncertainty Apportionment for Nonlinear Vehicle Systems | |
Corina Sandu |
Real-Time Parameter Estimation for Vehicle Systems | |
Corina Sandu |
Advanced Materials, Manufacturing Technologies and Logistics
Design and analysis of a fused deposition modelling manufactured part | |
Claudiu Diaconescu, Stefan Tabacu, Alexandru Oltean |
Experimental investigations of tungsten inert gas assisted friction stir welding of pure copper plates | |
Adrian Marius Constantin, Ana Bosneag, Eduard Nitu, Monica Iordache |
Friction Stir Welding of three dissimilar aluminium alloy used in aeronautics industry | |
Ana Bosneag, Adrian Marius Constantin, Eduard Nitu, Monica Iordache |
Wheel liner design for improved sound and structural performances | |
Alexandru Oltean, Claudiu Diaconescu, Stefan Tabacu |
Improvement of the customer satisfaction through Quality Assurance Matrix and QC-Story methods: A case study from automotive industry | |
Gina Mihaela Sicoe, Nadia Belu, Nicoleta Rachieru, Viorel Nicolae |
Experimental and theoretical study of friction torque from radial ball bearings | |
Ionut Geonea, Nicolae Dumitru, Ilie Dumitru |
Solution for eliminating defects caused by improper operation starting execution | |
Ancuta Balteanu |
The potential of natural fibers for automotive sector - review | |
Magdalena Simona Fogorasi, Ionel Barbu |
Research on geometric and kinematic analyses of some auxiliary mechanisms used on urban buses | |
Daniela Antonescu, Daniel Iozsa, Ovidiu Antonescu, Gheorghe Fratila |
Optimizing the construction of devices to control inaccesible surfaces - case study | |
Eduard Nitu, Aurel Costea, Monica Iordache, Alin Daniel Rizea, Alexandru Baba |
Key fuel properties and engine performances of diesel-ethanol blends, using tetrahydrofuran as surfactant additive | |
Andreia Molea, P Visuian, Istvan Barabas, R C Suciu, Nicolae Vlad Burnete |
Method of optimizing the construction of machining, assembly and control devices | |
Monica Iordache, Aurel Costea, Eduard Nitu, Alin Daniel Rizea, Alexandru Baba |
Research on some auxiliary mechanisms used in passenger cars | |
Daniela Antonescu, Daniel Iozsa, Ovidiu Antonescu, Gheorghe Fratila |
A neural networks application for the study of the influence of transport conditions on the working performance | |
Daniel-Constantin Anghel, Alexandru Ene, Cosmin Stirbu, Gina Mihaela Sicoe |
Analysis of Kanban, Conwip, Base on stock methods influences on the production system performance | |
Ana Cornelia Gavriluta, Alin Constantin Gavriluta |
Characterization of the dynamic behaviour of flax fibre reinforced composites using vibration measurements | |
Ali El-Hafidi, P B Gning, B Piezel, S Fontaine |
Advanced Transport Systems and Road Traffic
Comparative analysis of the performance of one-way and two-way urban road networks | |
Carmen Gheorghe |
The transport forecast – an important stage of transport management | |
Vasile Dragu, Oana Dinu, Cristina Oprea, Eugenia Alina Roman |
Road traffic noise pollution analysis for Cernavoda city | |
Laurentiu Manea, Adriana Manea, Daniela Florea, Stelian Tarulescu |
Pedal force determination respect to ride comfort | |
Slavica Macuzic, Jovanka Lukic, Jasna Glisovic, Danijela Miloradovic |
Ad-hoc networks for the autonomous car | |
Ron Davidescu, Eugen Negrus |
Current challenges in autonomous driving | |
Istvan Barabas, Adrian Todorut, Nicolae Cordos, Andreia Molea |
Computing programs for determining traffic flows from roundabouts | |
Andrei Alexandru Boroiu, Ion Tabacu, Alexandru Ene, Elena Neagu, Alexandru Boroiu |
Solutions to Improve Person Transport System in the Pitesti City by Analyzing Public Transport vs. Private Transport | |
Mihaela Istrate, Alexandru Boroiu, Viorel Nicolae, Ionel Vieru |
Studies and research regarding optimal cargo load of a transport van using carmaker software | |
Dan Moldovanu, Florin Mariasiu |
A comparative critical study between FMEA and FTA risk analysis methods | |
Gabriel C. Cristea, Dan Mihai Constantinescu |
Proposal for the use of a new parameter in the composite road traffic model | |
Alexandru Boroiu, Ion Tabacu, Andrei Alexandru Boroiu, Elena Neagu, Ionel Vieru |
Smart transportation CO2 emission reduction strategies | |
Stelian Tarulescu, Radu Tarulescu, Adrian Ovidiu Soica, Cristian Ioan Leahu |
Solutions to improve road circulation in the Pitesti city based on analysis-diagnostics of road traffic | |
Adrian Vilcan, Elena Neagu, Helene Suster-Badarau, Andrei Alexandru Boroiu |
Heavy and Special Vehicles
Determining the theoretical drawbar performance characteristics, considering the variation of tractor wheels radii during operation | |
Mircea Nastasoiu, Nicolae Ispas |
Study on the influence of the convoy rolling over aerodynamic resistance | |
Daniel Iozsa, Cornelia Stan, Laurentiu Ilea |
Research on optimization of test cycles for comfort to the special vehicles | |
Marian Mitroi, Anghel Chiru |
Systems for collecting and acquiring the dynamic parameters of special vehicles for displacement in special conditions | |
Marian Mitroi, Camil Tudor |
The influence of the suspension upon the axle weight distribution for heavy trucks | |
Bogdan Tolea, Alexandru Ionut Radu, Dragos Sorin Dima, Horia Beles |
Experimental study on the distillation capacity of alcohol-gasoline blends | |
Cornelia Stan, Cristian Nicolae Andreescu, Alexandru Dobre, Daniel Iozsa |
Downforce variation dependence of angle of incidence modification for the rear wing of high speed vehicles | |
Radu Tarulescu, Stelian Tarulescu, Cristian Ioan Leahu |
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Comparison of different battery types for electric vehicles | |
Calin Doru Iclodean, Bogdan Ovidiu Varga, Nicolae Burnete, Denisa Cimerdean, Bogdan Jurchis |
Determination of the needed power of an electric motor on the basis of acceleration time of the electric car | |
M Sapundzhiev, I Evtimov, Rosen Ivanov |
Simulation of an electric vehicle model on the new WLTC test cycle using AVL CRUISE software | |
Constantin Cristian Cioroianu, Danut Gabriel Marinescu, Adrian Iorga, Adrian Razvan Sibiceanu |
Analysis of the economic and ecological performances in the transient regimes of the European driving cycle for a midsize SUV equipped with a DHEP, using the simulation platforms | |
Gheorghe Banca, Florian Ivan, Daniel Iozsa, Valentin Nisulescu |
Internal Combustion Engines
Assessment of real driving emissions via portable emission measurement system | |
Adrian Clenci, Viorel Salan, Victor Iorga-Siman, Catalin Zaharia, Rodica Niculescu |
Development of a test method for distillation of diesel-biodiesel-alcohols mixtures at reduced pressure | |
Rodica Niculescu, I Iosub, Adrian Clenci, Catalin Zaharia, Victor Iorga-Siman |
Injection system used into SI engines for complete combustion and reduction of exhaust emissions in the case of alcohol and petrol alcohol mixtures feed | |
Nicolae Ispas, Corneliu Cofaru, Mihai Aleonte |
A comparative study of cycle variability of laser plug ignition vs classical spark plug ignition in combustion engines | |
George Bogdan Done |
LPG as a fuel for diesel engines - experimental investigations | |
Nikolaos Cristian Nutu, Constantin Pana, Niculae Negurescu, Alexandru Cernat, Ionel Mirica |
Compression tests methods on car engines | |
Marius Florin Toma, Dan Alexandru Micu, Cristian Nicolae Andreescu, C Iota |
A study upon medium displacement Diesel Engine failure | |
Iulian Agape, Lidia Gaiginschi, Sorinel Talif |
Evaluation of performance and emissions characteristics of methanol blend (gasohol) in a naturally aspirated spark ignition engine | |
Alexandru Mihai Dima, Ilie Dumitru, Dragos Tutunea |
Experimental study on the effect of adding bioethanol in spark ignition engine | |
Dragos Tutunea, Ilie Dumitru |
Analysis of performance and emissions of diesel engine using sunflower biodiesel | |
Dragos Tutunea, Ilie Dumitru |
Evolution of the pressure wave supercharger concept | |
Iuliana Costiuc, Anghel Chiru |
Theoretical model for determination of the spark ignition engine thermo-gasodynamic parameters on various functional conditions | |
Vlad Alexandru Vornicu, Tudor Ulian, Edward Rakosi, Gheorghe Manolache, Lidia Gaiginschi |
On the assessment of performance and emissions characteristics of a SI engine provided with a laser ignition system | |
Adrian Birtas, Nicolae Boicea, F Draghici, Radu Chiriac, G Croitoru, M Dinca, T Dascalu, N Pavel |
Experimental and numerical assessment of ignition delay period for pure diesel and biodiesel B20 | |
Mohanad Aldhaidhawi, Marek Brabec, Radu Chiriac, Viorel Badescu, Lucian Miron |
Carbon dioxide control technologies for diesel engines | |
Stelian Tarulescu, Radu Tarulescu, Cristian Ioan Leahu |
Study on the combustion process in a modern diesel engine controlled by pre-injection strategy | |
Plamen Punov, N Milkov, C Perilhon, Pierre Podevin, T Evtimov |
Study of emissions for a compression ignition engine fueled with a mix of DME and diesel | |
Bogdan Jurchis, Nicolae Burnete, Calin Doru Iclodean, Nicolae Vlad Burnete |
Research on cylinder processes of gasoline homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine | |
Corneliu Cofaru |
The physically-mathematically model for studying the thermal regime of the spark ignition engine concerning the filling coefficient | |
Tudor Ulian, Vlad Alexandru Vornicu, Edward Rakosi, Sorinel Talif, Iulian Agape |
Emissions characteristic of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load | |
Bogdan Cornel Benea |
The simulation of the dynamic behaviour for an elastic mechanical transmission of passenger car | |
Alexandru Dobre |
Influences of diesel pilot injection on ethanol autoignition - a numerical analysis | |
Nicolae Vlad Burnete, Nicolae Burnete, Bogdan Jurchis, Calin Doru Iclodean |
Surge study of an automotive turbocharger during transient operation | |
Michael Deligant, Amelie Danlos, Pierre Podevin, Adrian Clenci, Stephane Guilain |
New turbo compound systems in automotive industry for internal combustion engine to recover energy | |
Rares Lucian Chiriac, Anghel Chiru, Ovidiu Andrei Condrea |
Development of a measuring system for the analysis of vibrations sent from engine to passenger seat | |
Daniela Voicu, M Truta, Laszlo Barothi, R Stoica, Gabriel Ionut Dorobantu |
Comparative analysis by simulation for behavior of a spark-ignition engine fueled with gasoline and LPG in the transient regimes | |
Valentin Nisulescu, Florian Ivan, Daniel Iozsa, Gheorghe Banca |
The calculus of the technical-economic parameters of a SI direct injection engine | |
Tudor Adrian Mitran, Vasile Blaga, Horia Beles, George Dragomir |
The comparative study of vehicles engine in different functioning situations | |
Marin Nicolau, Constantin Iulian Pantece, Gabriel Ionut Dorobantu, Virgilius Justinian Radulescu, Ion Copae |
Biofuel effect on flame propagation and soot formation in a DISI engine | |
Adrian Irimescu, Simona Silvia Merola, Silvana Di Iorio, Bianca Maria Vaglieco |
Spark discharge and flame inception analysis in a DISI engine fuelled by gasoline and butanol. | |
Adrian Irimescu, Simona Silvia Merola |
Transmission Systems
Considerations on adapting the new WLTC test cycle for a conventional powertrain to a computerized simulation using AVL Cruise software | |
Adrian Razvan Sibiceanu, Adrian Iorga, Viorel Nicolae, Danut Gabriel Marinescu, Constantin Cristian Cioroianu |
The study of the energetic performance in test cycles | |
Cristian Rentea, Alexandra Tuca, Mircea Oprean, Marius Bataus |
The influence of the technological deviations over the vibration inherent frequencies at bending from the three-shafts transmission | |
Ion Bulac |
Considerations concerning the power loops within the all-wheel driven transmissions of the automobile | |
Marian Truta, B Laszlo, Daniela Voicu, R Stoica, V Vinturis |
Vehicle Electronics and Software
Experimental validation of various temperature models for semi-physical tyre model approaches | |
Andreas Hackl, Christoph Scherndl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex |
Real time monitoring system used in route planning for the electric vehicle | |
Laurentiu Mihai Ionescu, Alin Mazare, Gheorghe Serban, Silviu Ionita |
Virtual engine management simulator for educational purposes | |
Radu Drosescu |
Autonomous vehicles: from paradigms to technology | |
Silviu Ionita |
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