Open Conference Systems, CAR 2017

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Road traffic noise pollution analysis for Cernavoda city
Laurentiu Manea, Adriana Manea, Daniela Florea, Stelian Tarulescu

Last modified: 2017-09-04


In the present paper was studied the noise pollution in Cernavodă city. The noise measurements were made for nine intersections from different city areas. Noise measurements were taken for three chosen routes with high population density, heavy traffic, commercial and residential buildings. Average, maximum and minimum values were collected and compared with standards. The impact of road traffic noise on the community depends on various factors such as road location and design, land use planning measures, building design, traffic composition, driver behaviour and the relief. In the study area 9 locations are identified to measure noise level. By using sound level meter noise levels are measured at different peak sessions i.e. morning, afternoon and evening. The presented values were collected for evening rush hour.


noise pollution; road traffic; noise measurement

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