CAR 2017 - The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering,

Pitesti, Romania


CAR2017 Chairman’s Presentation in the Opening Session of the Congress

CAR2017 Chairman’s Presentation in the Closing Ceremony of the Congress


The CAR Conference/Congress is a traditional scientific event initiated by University of Pitesti in 1978. Starting with its 5th edition organized in 1992, CAR International Conference became one of the SIAR Conferences. The organizers are proud to mention that since CAR’s 7th edition from 1997, the event gained the patronage of FISITA and EAEC.

CAR Congress reaching its 11th edition this year, is part of the SIAR’s series of similar annual scientific events held successively by various universities in Romania with interests in Automotive Engineering (Transilvania University of Brasov – CONAT Congress, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest – ESFA Congress, University of Pitesti – CAR Congress, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – AMMA Congress, University of Craiova – SMAT Congress, Polytechnic University of Timisoara – MVT Congress).

This year’s edition of CAR International Congress is focused on MOBILITY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENT

As other SIAR scientific events, CAR2017 will be an opportunity for delegates to:

-  update skills and knowledge by attending focused technical sessions

-  gain insights into the automotive industry

-  network with potential new partners, clients and suppliers

-  view the latest technology products and services in the commercial exhibition

Therefore, academics, researchers, engineers and other specialists in automotive engineering and road transport, students and anyone who is interested are invited to be part of this scientific event. Let us all contribute to its success!



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