Open Conference Systems, CAR 2017

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Comparative analysis by simulation for behavior of a spark-ignition engine fueled with gasoline and LPG in the transient regimes
Valentin Nisulescu, Florian Ivan, Daniel Iozsa, Gheorghe Banca

Last modified: 2017-08-31


It is known that current vehicles must meet stringent demands on pollution limits but also must meet and the dynamical and economical performances. In this context the transient regimes are those affecting this performances, in this paper are presenting the results of the simulations for these regimes using a vehicle powered with two energy sources gasoline and LPG. Have been selected the transient regimes characteristic for NMVEG cycle (New Motor Vehicle Emissions Group). The simulation is performed using AMESim platform and the results have allowed meticulous interpretations for the 16 regimes of acceleration. The results obtained from the simulation will be validated experimentally.


pollution; LPG; NMVEG

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