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Contributions in developing advanced engineering methods for researching the N.V.H. aspects in Porsche Cayman operation conditions at Technical University from Cluj-Napoca
Last modified: 2017-08-30
- Objective: Noise is one of the most important parameter that influences the artificial and especially automotive pollution. Developing new motor vehicles, widely known as cars, respectively their auxiliary systems is now difficult to be done without considering noise, vibration and harshness (N.V.H.) aspects in testing and operation. N.V.H. criteria facilitate the appreciation made by testers, owners and users in relation with vehicle’s general behavior and also in correlation with their auxiliary systems. Main objective of the present paper is to outline the innovative and advanced method in computer aided testing of N.V.H. parameters in a sporty car Porsche Cayman model at Technical University from Cluj-Napoca. Specific objective encompass a theory presentation of advanced engineering method in N.V.H. field and an experimental research developed in the Automotive Laboratory with Porsche Cayman motor vehicle at Technical University from Cluj-Napoca.
- Methodology: By measuring the noise level, considering the vibration critical range and analyzing harshness we can assess and evaluate the comfort level. The present paper shows an engineering method for computer aided testing and appreciation in the field of N.V.H. parameters concerning the operation of sporty Porsche Cayman car. The tested and evaluated car is a fully operational model, which was studied in relation with noise emissions, in-use vibrations and harshness level. An innovative method of advanced engineering research was sketched out. The interaction between computer processing power and N.V.H. evaluation effort is consistently highlighted.
- Results: Experimental testing results were achieved and properly analyzed and interpreted. There were outlined some trend lines in each case.
- Limitations of the proposed study (if any) The research is restricted to the development and validation of an innovative affordable engineering method in computer aided testing or evaluating the N.V.H. parameters for Porsche Cayman sporty motor vehicle, but it may be extended and applied in other cases and situations also.
- The novelty of the paper including in comparison to the authors’ previous work: The research crew members are experienced in internal combustion engines, transmissions, alternative energy sources for green vehicles and mechanical construction technologies. The consideration of N.V.H. aspects in operating conditions represents a synthesizing endeavor of capabilities, technologies and experiences. Even if there were also considered in the previous work some particular tests of vehicle’s mass oscillations, this is the first integrating paper of so many important aspects that define N.V.H. evaluating criteria and advanced engineering methods based on computer processing power available today.
Conclusions: Redefining the standards in comfort and tuning is close related to the N.V.H. research. N.V.H. parameters are not acting as isolated factors in some isolated environment. They should be considered in relation with the complex whole which is the operating motor vehicle in the road traffic environment. The N.V.H. aspects have an engineering influence in the vehicles development and operation, but also they have a financial impact when it comes to car marketing. Development possibilities and perspectives were also pointed out in order to facilitate and encourage the further research of the specific problems.
noise; vibration; harshness; Porsche; Cayman
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